Togo: Conseil National de la Jeunesse (CNJ-Togo) – Communique (10.06.2024)

Togo: La Coalition de la Diaspora Togolaise pour L’Alternance et la Democratie (CODITOGO) – Communique (18.04.2024)

Togo: Veille Citoyenne Togo – Communique de Presse – relatif a la rencontre de la mission d’information de la CEDEAO et des Organisations de la Societe Civile (19.04.2024)

Togo: Tournons La Page (TLP) – Coup de force constitutionnel au Togo (10.04.2024)

Togo: Presidence – Le Président de la République a demandé ce jour à l’Assemblée nationale de faire procéder à une deuxième lecture de la loi adoptée (29.03.2024)

Togo: Gnassingbe’s reforms will take away the will of the people…

The Gnassingbe Family has ruled the nation since April 1967. Eyadéma Gnassingbe reigned the nation from 1967 to 2005. As the father died in power, the son Faure Gnassingbe took over power, which he has consolidated power over time.

Now in the Lome there is reports that the citizens won’t vote for the President in the 2025 election. He had already prepared and ensured himself two elected terms. Alas, his time in power would end in 2030 after the 2025 election. Everything on the horizon for his prolonged reign was prepared for. However, the 2015 election showed that the family business wasn’t popular or wasn’t really the choice of the people.

That’s why Faure Gnassingbe is now planning to take away the power of the people and give it to the Representatives in Parliament. He wants to reform and amend the Constitution in such a fashion, that the President is elected by the majority of the Representatives in the Parliament, instead of buy the popular vote. While also extending the term from 5 years to 7 years. If that goes through than Faure himself will be in power for 27 years when his next term is over. While the family itself has been in office for 65 years.

That means Faure is just continuing the practice of finding all sorts of ways to keep his family in charge of the Republic. This is the plan, as the opposition or anyone who opposes this will be detained, silenced and muffled. It isn’t surprising really… as demonstrations and rallies bas been blocked by the authorities. CENI as a government institution isn’t independent and the results will already be manufactured.

It just shows what Faure Gnassingbe is willing to do. He will alter laws and the constitutions to make it easier for him to be re-elected without the consequences of the previous one. There won’t be the universal suffrage and ability to vote on who the public deems fit. Only accept the will of the Representatives and Members of Parliament to figure out who they deems as righteous for the role of the Head of State and Commander in Chief. That’s it really and Gnassingbe will have that on lock. As the political elite and the ones representing is all in his midst.

The change of the Constitution is only done for one purpose and one purpose only: That’s to prolong the dynasty and the family affair. It isn’t for the betterment or improvement of the lives of the Togolais. No, they are left behind and the Gnassingbe couldn’t care, as they shop in Paris and enjoy the lavish lifestyle they are accustomed too.

Faure Gnassingbe isn’t here to serve or dignify the population. He is there to be the supreme leader, the tyrant and the despot, which isn’t beloved or sincerely ruling the nation. However, he is there to decree and rule by command. That’s why he cannot trust an election and the will of the people. That’s why he needs lackeys in Parliament or the National Assembly to fight for his cause. Because, those corrupt individuals he can trust. They are will eat and be his bedfellows. While the population will see no benefit of it all. Peace.

Togo: Dynamique Monseigneur Kpodzo (DMK) – Communique de Presse de la Dynamique Monseigneur Kpodzro (DMK) – La Primature (27.01.2024)

Togo: Dynamique Monseigneur Kpodzo (DM) – Communique de Presse de la Dynamique Monseigneur Kpodzro (DMK) relatif a l’Arrestion et a la Detention Arbitraires de Monsieur Charles Kodjo Baraka (20.08.2023)

Republique Togolaise: Le communiqué de la CEDEAO sur les attaques terroristes au Togo (11.05.2022)

Republique Togolaise: Communique du Gouvernement (11.05.2022)