Uganda: Ministerial Policy Statement (MPS) for the Presidency 2014/2015 (Some of the pages)



MPS 14

MPS 23

MPS 25

The pages to come here is about the money that is being spent the Office of the President, alone and nothing else.

This must be interesting for the naked eye, right?
MPS 26


MPS 27

MPS 30


MPS 42





Here is some information on the second vote on Ministerial Policy Statement, here it is:

MPS 103

MPS 104


MPS 122

MPS 123

Here is the Annex on the whole Ministerial Policy Statement 2014/2015:

MPS 232

MPS 233

MPS 234

MPS 235

MPS 236

Here is the second Annex, thinks the findings should be interesting:

MPS 237

MPS 238

MPS 239

MPS 240

Hope you got some more great information about the President, State House and Office of the President.
