Sri Lanka: Wickremesinghe will soon wish he never took this office…

The interim and temporary President Ranil Wickremesinghe, the six times Prime Minister and saviour of the former exiled President Gotabaya Rajapaksa was sworn in tomorrow as the President of Sri Lanka in Colombo. This is happening as the social upheaval is still occurring. The curfews and the orders of not assembling is still in action. Therefore, things are not smooth sailing.

The newly anointed President will not have it easy. People asked for this man also to step down. Because him, his party Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) and United National Party (UNP) worked together in the newest coalition, which has wrecked the economy. These two parties has combined and with their financial measures destroyed the economy. They have ensured a total rot and destruction of the finances. That’s why the people did oust Rajapaksa who is currently in Exile in Singapore and some warned that he would go to the Maldives. However, his fate is far from sealed yet and his not welcome in Singapore anymore, which was reported about today.

With that in mind and with the lack of concern, the former Prime Minister has been sworn in by the Parliament. The former PM is far from beloved and a character the public trusts. His not the sort of politician or honest actor. No, he has been able to survive the storm before and get on top. This time around might be different.

Wickremsinghe is taking an office and rank, which isn’t really his. The people want him and his party gone too. That’s why they are in this mess. Both ruling parties is at fault and their majority has created the quagmire. It isn’t like the PM worked in a vacuum. No, he was a part of the government that took the loans and secured the destructive debt, which is now wrecking havoc on the island nation.

The former PM has gotten a mandate to November 2024, but will he last that long? Does he believe he can get away with this alive? Since, there was a reason why his predecessor was ousted. He will not have long time, if any to solve things. The former PM cannot executive order himself out this one. No, he has to challenge the Gods and proves his stamina.

This time around he cannot bash in cars, luxurious items and live lavish. No, this time he has to govern and properly too. Not just run-of-the-mill, my time to eat sort of vibe. That will not work. Yes, the Parliament has vouched for him and given him a mandate. However, what is it worth when nobody really trusts you or wants you there?

His task is not only a challenge of a lifetime, but the lack of confidence doesn’t make it feasible either. It wasn’t like he won a landslide in Parliament even. The mandate he has now is only because no one else has a semi-popular stance in the National Assembly. It isn’t like the people cares about him or his office. No, they want him in exile too. His a part of the problem that was created in the first place…

That’s why Ranil Wickremsinghe gamble might destroy him. Just like the ones who burned down his house. His maybe getting a title and getting sworn in. However, that will not be for long and how can he last… when he has no standing or the people behind him. That’s the gist here…

The leader and successor of the exiled President should be a man of confidence and trust. Nevertheless, Sri Lanka is getting the opp

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