Tanzania: Loliondo land-grab – Hon. Masauni claims it is Kenyan migrants fault…

Engineer Masauni challenged immigration officers at all exit and entry points, to be extra vigilant in curbing such illegal entries into Tanzania. “The immigration department should come up with effective strategies to control such an increasing trend, which is likely to jeopardise our peace and security,” directed Masauni, shortly before inspecting the ongoing exercise of demarcating the 1,500 square kilometers of the Loliondo Game Controlled Area (LGCA)” (…) “The Minister’s directive comes in the wake of reports of immigrants from neighboring countries who take advantage of long porous borders to enter and operate illegally in Tanzania. Engineer Masauni said that there have been reports of illegal immigrants entering the country, singling out the Loliondo area as a worst case scenario, where hundreds herds of cattle have been found grazing within the LGCA, threatening the Serengeti-Ngorongoro ecosystem” (Edward Qorro – ‘Tanzania: Immigration Tasked to Intensify Border Security’ 15.06.2022, Tanzania Daily News).

Let’s be perfectly clear… this is excuses. The main culprit is the Tanzanian state and the authorities who has sold land to a foreign company, which wants to use that for trophy hunting and game-drives. That is the Tanzanian government trading away ancestral territories for a Middle Eastern Company. This is what is happening to the Masaai land and the Loliondo areas.

Where the state has brutally displaced people and used violent means to do so. People are arrested and taken away for defending their rights to live on the land. Now, the authorities and the Minister blaming immigration and making up a false problem. Where the Tanzanian government claims the Kenyan government is allowing illegal migration and undocumented people from their bordering territories. That is really saying something…

The Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) should self-reflect on their own actions and what they are really doing. It is their interests over a historical and indigenous land, which is their responsibility to protect. Instead they are serving the interests of the tourism industry and one company. That is really compelling and telling. The interest is the common good, but a quick buck on selling out traditions and exploiting that.

The Tanzanian government cannot come with excuses like this. That should get pushback from Nairobi and the Jubilee Party. There is a need for President Uhuru Kenyatta to call President Samia Suluhu. Especially, when the Hon. Hamad Masauni, the Minister of Home Office has been saying this to the media. He is coming with allegations, which is blaming Kenya for the trouble in the border region of Tanzania.

However, everyone with some common sense. It is the land-grabbing and the internal conflicts, which is the reason. If the Tanzanian government had respected the indigenous land and not sold it. That’s the reason for the aftermath and all the pushback. This is very easy, but the CCM is making it very hard.

Hon. Masauni is speaking out of line. Since their actions is actually causing migrations from Tanzania to Maasai territory on the other side of border into Kenya. Therefore, it would be fair for Kenya to speak of the refugees and fleeing Maasai brothers who fled the brutal eviction in the Loliondo area. That’s saying something and the Tanzanian government isn’t the victim.

The Maasai people of the Loliondo area are the victims and the hurt ones here. The CCM is the one who profits on the misery of the Maasai people. Just so a Middle Eastern company can get territories to show the beauty of Tanzania. A beauty that was destroyed for the ones who actually resided there… Peace.

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