Opinion: Will Smith went through all of that for “nothing”

As a man… I feel sorry for Will Smith right now. The way his been a punching bag and a laughing stock over the years. That surely culminated and got addressed at the Oscar’s last year, which has in turn stopped his career.

Will Smith has gone from an icon and a well established rapper into a joke. A simp or mockery of man. His wife or now ex-wife for years, Jada Pinkett Smith has used every opportunity to dismantle, destroy and humiliate him. While he has been cordial and stood by her side.

Will has been a stand up in guy in public. We never know what has happened behind closed doors. Except for the leaks and the talks around the Red Table. That social media show has unravelled a lot of things. As well as the steady releases of small tapes or videos from Jada. However, we can never say we have the whole picture.

Will Smith should be acknowledged and talked highly off. A man who came poor from Philadelphia and made himself a superstar. A rapper who sold records as Fresh Prince and his own namesake. Created an acting career and got an Oscar for it too. It’s not like Will Smith haven’t earned his currency and been good at it too.

While the ex-wife has tarnished his reputation. Haunted him with the Ghost of Tupac and done whatever possibly to muddy the waters. It is like she has so much spite and anger, because she married him and got kids by him. That’s how it seems…

However, without Will… no one and nobody would really talk about Jada. Jada’s career is based on her association with Will. As a woman and individual, that might hurt, but at this point it is a fact. No one has gone to the movies in decades to Jada star in it. Neither has any of her enterprises been vindicating either. She has been able to live of Will and that’s been her juice.

While she has used every opportunity to blow him out of the water. Now she is even tarnishing him further over the Oscar slap of Chris Rock. Like he haven’t paid enough price for that. Now it seems he did it all over nothing. It is like has a PTSD and just snapped over too much ridicule. Who knows? But something got to give.

Will Smith deserves better and Jada just earns currency on his downfall. She’s partying on his grave and hoping to revive Tupac at the same time. It is just despicable and disrespectful to the living and the dead. Jada should know better, but that’s too much to ask as well.

Will Smith to his credit has carried on in silence. He is awaiting his turn and suddenly he will come through. As the scandals unfold and the mockery continues. He should get acknowledged for his resilience and that he hasn’t acted in spite in public. Because the way Jada has done this… it’s unreal and total destruction of him.

That’s why I am on Team Will and Jada should enlighten herself for a minute. Think of the costs and the burden she has been to Will. However, the narcissist won’t do that and she’s her for the petty profits. Peace.

Opinion: Will Smith wants to revive his career…

I know to do what we do, you gotta be able to take abuse, and you gotta be able to have people talk crazy about you. In this business, you gotta be able to have people disrespecting you and you gotta smile and you gotta pretend like that’s OK. But Richard Williams, and what I loved, thank you D. Denzel (Washington) said to me a few minutes ago, he said, “At your highest moment, be careful. That’s when the devil comes for you.”” (Smith, 27.03.2022).

Now it’s three months since the “slap that shook the world”. In my first piece on this… I understand the defence of the wife and how it was wrong at the same time. That sentiment hasn’t changed. The slap was done in defence of his wife, but it was a wrong action at the same time. This is the gist of it. And to give some context to the apology that was published on YouTube yesterday from Will Smith.

Here is how I described it a day after on the 28th March 2022:

On the evening of the Oscars or the Academy Awards as Stand-Up Comedian and Actor Chris Rock was dropping a few jokes before he was giving out an Award on stage. He was able to anger and set acts in motion. Where he mocked Jada Pinkett Smith with a “Jada, can’t wait for G.I. Jane 2” pun and that triggered Will Smith. In such a fashion that he bitch-slapped Chris Rock directly on stage and said afterwards to him “keep my wife’s name out of your (expletive) mouth”. Before the comedian got back to his senses and continued his part of the Award ceremony” (Minbane – ‘Opinion: Will Smith was both acting right and wrong at the same time at the Oscars…’ 28.03.2022).

First and foremost we as the general public didn’t know Jada Pinkett Smith had alopecia. That was unknown and the only thing Chris Rock did joke about was the hairstyle. We had no clue about the disease and why would we?

We know that Jada has dropped personal information and inner-family dynamics, which we as the public has no natural knowledge of. We shouldn’t know about the affairs or the use of social media to gain attention to herself. While Will Smith is looking more like the fool and the simp. The Red Table Talks is just making a mockery of him. That’s the tragedy… and his loosing himself because of the publicity surrounding the family itself.

It most be more to the emotions and the inner-works with the dynamic between Will and Jada, which you and I can never know. There is emotions and ideals, that is torn or deconstructed, which we cannot assess or understand to this point. The apology yesterday just shows how he feels and where he is right now. That Chris Rock haven’t answered the call or accepted an apology yet. Just shows that the humiliation of him professionally. It was the Oscars and Will Smith humiliated him among his peers.

Will Smith needs a healthy family dynamic. It seems like there are underlying pressures with the public persona that he has become. That’s why the apology comes three months after the fact. Will can try to salvage his reputation and his livelihood. His a wealthy actor and deserves a second chance. Actors has done much worse and been able to make successful movies.

Chris Rock didn’t deserve this and everyone knows that. Will Smith is taking some accountability, but now later his showing some remorse. While he should be ashamed by it too. That’s part of the cycle of doing this others. At the same time we can understand a man’s need to defend his wife. This is how I am seeing it. But I will not expect a brother to slap another one over a joke.

Will Smith needs to step up and show some courage at home. Since it seems like Jada has broken the man. That’s how it looks like, but that’s just speculations. Alas, we can never know the finer prints to what is really going on.

The apology was well crafted and shows that the possible PR Team around Will made it happen. Some might say this is late, but it better to say than never. We know that Will Smith lost work and opportunities because of the slap. The paradigm here is that he wants to revive his career and no one can blame him for that.

As an actor, rapper and a public person he needs a redemption… and the slap shouldn’t shatter his career. Especially, when this is not the most disgusting thing any other actor has done and still been able to do their trade. His a man who can act and made plenty of well respected characters over the years. So, this shouldn’t shatter it all, but people was disappointed. However, people will move on and so should the Hollywood Studios too. Peace.

Opinion: Will Smith was both acting right and wrong at the same time at the Oscars…

Los Angeles Police Department statement: “LAPD investigative entities are aware of an incident between two individuals during the Academy Awards program. The incident involved one individual slapping another. The individual involved has declined to file a police report. “If the involved party desires a police report at a later date, LAPD will be available to complete an investigative report.”” (Lois Beckett, 28.03.2022).

On the evening of the Oscars or the Academy Awards as Stand-Up Comedian and Actor Chris Rock was dropping a few jokes before he was giving out an Award on stage. He was able to anger and set acts in motion. Where he mocked Jada Pinkett Smith with a “Jada, can’t wait for G.I. Jane 2” pun and that triggered Will Smith. In such a fashion that he bitch-slapped Chris Rock directly on stage and said afterwards to him “keep my wife’s name out of your (expletive) mouth”. Before the comedian got back to his senses and continued his part of the Award ceremony.

We can understand the sentiment of Will Smith. It all makes sense that he defends the sickness and illness of his wife. However, he is a public figure and so is Jada Pinkett Smith. These are two figures who are in the public eye and who has their dirty laundry for the public consumption. They are even monetizing their affairs and “entanglements” in their home. Things that should be kept private, but instead is directly for entertainment.

This is why Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith has decide how open and what sort of life they really wants to live. These two are very open in interviews. They are speaking of deep personal affairs and intimate details, which should be kept between the partners. That shouldn’t be broadcast for everyone to hear or see. However, that is what they do and the family should lucky that Rock didn’t come with an August joke of some sorts. Because, he could easily have dropped an entanglement pun of sorts.

In his acceptance speech after winning an award, Will Smith said this:

I know to do what we do, you gotta be able to take abuse, and you gotta be able to have people talk crazy about you. In this business, you gotta be able to have people disrespecting you and you gotta smile and you gotta pretend like that’s OK. But Richard Williams, and what I loved, thank you D. Denzel (Washington) said to me a few minutes ago, he said, “At your highest moment, be careful. That’s when the devil comes for you.”” (Smith, 27.03.2022).

I got to say this… Smith is right in defending the honour of his wife, but wrong for acting upon it in front of the whole world to see. It is a juxtaposition where he could never win. That’s because of how the family has sorted out their life-style in public. Neither I nor anyone else knew that Jada Pinkett Smith had that illness. I had no clue. However, we do know about the Red Table Talks and the intimate interviews, which brings to much detail. Where again the dirty secrets and inner-works of their relations is left for public scrutiny.

That’s why the joke now is that Rock cannot come with a remark in public, but August Alsina can have an affair and later he wrote a song about it too. Just so the whole world knows how much he loved Jada while she was married to Will. I shouldn’t have to know about it, but I do, because this sort of thing was everywhere and Will was dunked on as well by anyone.

So, we know that he will defend the honour of his wife. However, the wife will not defend his honour. She capitalize on the affair and made Will look foolish. Jada just made the clip and it went viral. Became meme’s and the stories ever since has been about it. Where the interviews has turned to it and how Will regrets several of things as well. It is just like the yearly “I miss Tupac” from Jada too. Admitting that Will is clearly not to compare to the late rapper. Therefore, she has mocked him plenty of times and never saved the face of Will.

Now, Will being the man did it and stood tall. No matter how wrong or outrageous it was. He still defended her in the public. Just like all the messy stuff, which should have been behind closed doors. We shouldn’t have known all this, but they aired it out and now… you cannot put the lid on the jar anymore. It is already in the open and for the whole world to see.

Will Smith cannot be Jiggy and be private. His either one or the other. The same is to said about his wife. This is a life they have chosen. That’s why it’s easy to understand the sentiment, but at the same time not accepting the manner of which he displayed it. He could have spoken to Rock after and such. However, he couldn’t contain his anger and went all out. That is clear. The ego of him got to him. Which is a common trait among men. While Rock has the right of free speech about public figures too. So, this part comes with the territory and lives they are living too. It is not like they are in the caves, but living in the lime-light, enjoying the perks of stardom.

This is why yesterday is a reminder of how people clash. Not righteously, but as men. Instead of squashing it behind the scenes. Will Smith addressed for the whole world to see. He checked Rock. Some call that fine and other call it deplorable. That’s why this isn’t an easy one to call. Nevertheless, Smith should start to consider how things are playing out in the public. Because, their whole lives has been broadcast on their own free will and that is not looking good for him. Peace.