Opinion: This Amourath situation needs to be taken seriously…

An E-Girl is still a woman. Yes, she has a platform and been selling an idea and been able to profit on her beauty. That isn’t a strange piece of information in 2022. A lady who has the looks and the finesse can get situated. This is how many has looked at the Twitch streamer Amourath who has an army of “simps” and followers who has made her bank-account pregnant.

Alas, there is more to the story, apparently, which should be taken seriously. The internet meets the real world. The internet personality has a real life situation, which should be investigated. Amourath’s real name is Kaitilyn Michelle Siragusa who is married to Nick Lee in December 2015.

However, that’s been kept secret by Amourath. In financial sense and commercial sense it makes dollars. The men who can dream of wifey-ing up a lady like her. That’s why they subscribe and look forward to her streams. This is a way and a manner of which is far from new. To sell an idea and trade the body to influence lonely men. That’s why men has called sex-phones and paid for service to e-girls like forever. Therefore, the actions of Amourath makes sense or cents this way.

Nevertheless, what makes it different is the exposing of her husband. Not that she has a husband. That is all natural that a women like her has a partner and a life-partner too. The trouble is the extortion and the abuse. The latest stream where she filmed and told her story… was troubling and shows a sinister side of it all.

Seemingly the husband was the man operating everything behind the scenes. The one who had control of the bank-accounts and the livelihood she has created. She has close to 6 million followers on her Twitch account and have over 400 million views. Only in the latest week she has gotten 90,000 more subscribers. That is telling about how big she is and what sort of stature she has. That’s not talking about the profits from OnlyFans. Amourath is a self-serving business and a well known name.

So, if the stories are true… the husband is clearly out of line and using her for wealth. The work and the labour Amourath does is for his pockets. She has to follow orders and do what he wants. Initially, it’s told that he directed her to do the infamous “pool streams” and other things too. This just shows how manipulative the husband is.

That’s why this needs to be addressed and pin evidence too. This cannot just be the talk of the town. There is a need to address it in a manner of which the husband get disconnected from her. Amourath don’t deserve this and no one does. If she was just another E-Girl doing her thing. I wouldn’t bat an eye. That’s their business and how they want to monetize their lives. However, if she is living in an abusive and dangerous relationship. It needs to be remedies to make it stop and his threats has to end. No one deserves to live in that and it’s not healthy. That’s why I am writing it…

Am not a fan of Amourath and used her as an epitome of E-Girls on Twitch. That’s for a reason, she’s like the biggest and well-known at this point. At that time, we didn’t know what was happening behind the closed doors.

We have seen virtue signalling and things toying around. We have seen people calling “rape” and it was only stories to hurt a career of a man. However, here we need to our mind rights and see for what it is. Amourath had nothing to earn or gain by doing this directly on stream. The “simps” could revoke her status and feel betrayed, by suddenly knowing she is married in secret. That’s why you know there is more to this and she deserves courage, support and help.

She needs shelter and guidance from wise counsel. Not from random people online. Amourath needs to seek help from the outside. If she can get away from the man. Especially, if his acting the way she portrayed yesterday on the stream. That’s when she needs to go to those places where woman runs away from dangerous spouses. The body and the mental state needs healing. That’s what she needs and she needs remedies to get control of her life again. This is if everything she said was true. I cannot assess that, but there are more to this… and we shouldn’t take this one easy.

This is not the time to let it slide. It is the time for Law Enforcement to investigate and look into it. Secondly, she needs to leave and get help. That’s all we can say. I cannot take it lightly on it. I wish it was light-hearted, because of the topic and the platform, which is discussed, now and then. Not like Twitch and E-Girls are separated any-more. However, that isn’t what is the issue today.

No, it is an abusive relationship between spouses. Usually, these details and stories happens behind closed doors. They are not in the open, but this was told for the whole world to see. Now we just have to wait and see what happens next. Peace.