Sudan: Forces of Freedom and Change – Press Statement (14.06.2022)

We have recently followed up on a number of media agencies hosting public figures and attaching the leadership capacity to the Forces of Freedom and Change, or a member of the Central Council, or assigning inaccurate leadership positions, due to the lack of jurisdiction, these statements caused a degree of confusion and confusion over the positions of the Forces for Freedom and Change.

In this context, Mr. Bushra Al-Saem made recent press and media statements as a leader and member of the Central Council for Freedom and Change it is true that he is not a member of the Executive Office and does not chair any of the Freedom and Change Committees, and he is not a member of the Central Council either. Accordingly, the statements attributed to the above-mentioned represent his personal view and do not reflect any of the institutions of freedom and change.

In the same context, we note that Mr. Nabil Adeeb is not the head of the Legal Committee for Freedom and Change, and it is true that the head of the Legal Committee approved by the Central Council is Mr. Wajdi Saleh.

We note in the same context that the occupants of the leadership positions in freedom and change in the Executive Office and whose positions authorize them to authorize, or the heads of the committees specialized in freedom and change are known and published in the media.

We understand the obligations associated with the work of local and foreign media agencies in obtaining statements and comments from actors or experts other than those in leadership positions in freedom and change, who can be presented to the public in their partisan, professional, analytical or other capacity. These are qualities and statements that we will not be interested in what will be mentioned in them as long as the owners make them in their personal capacity and not as occupants of leadership positions in freedom and change.

In conclusion, we note that the media committee will provide and publish later for the media channels of communication with its leaders, in addition to developing new mechanisms that allow the flow of information and news, and linking local and international media agencies with all the committees of the forces of freedom and change.

Media Committee – Freedom and Change

June 14, 2022 AD

Sudan: West Khartoum Resistance Committees Coordination – The Dialogue with The Coup Council (11.06.2022)

We in the West Khartoum Resistance Committees Coordination are not concerned with the justifications for or outcomes of the dialogue with the coup council. We affirm our commitment to working with our brothers in the streets to bring down the coup cartel and isolate it politically and socially through all available peaceful means, and we will work to block any attempt to give the coup a lifeline again and save them from isolation or to give them an undeserved legitimacy; it is a gift from those who do not have it to those who do not deserve it.

Our clashing and resistant people, we must all work together to make #June30March a march that demonstrates the Sudanese people’s strong desire to bring down the coup.

Our bet is on the masses of our people, who will shake the ground under the feet of tyrants on June 30th, and will block the path for all political shenanigans.

Our message to the tyrant: overthrowing the oppressors and tossing them into the corridors of prisons is one of the demands of our martyrs that we will not compromise on, for justice is a universal norm and a principle in which there is no compromise.

Here we are erecting the gallows, hoping that your pride will mislead you to stay, not to escape.

West Khartoum Resistance Committees Coordination

June 11, 2022

Sudan: South Khartoum & Al Kalakla Resistance Committees Coordination – No Negotiation, No Partnership, No Compromise (10.06.2022)

Glory to the souls of our martyrs who wrote epics of steadfastness and heroism in the face of military oppression and their militias with greatness and steadfastness on the principles of the glorious December revolution without impartiality. Speedy recovery for the injured, freedom for the detainees and the return of all the missing.

We in the South Khartoum & Al Kalakla Resistance Committees Coordination and will not forget and will not forgive the crimes of the coup d’état, nor will we give up the blood of our dear comrades who were embraced by the land of this country.

The tremendous sacrifices made by our martyrs in order to realize the ideals of our glorious revolution provide us with the strength and determination to continue this path until the very end, and those who shed their precious blood must prepare for retribution.

These streets will remain raging torrents to bring down any attempt to undermine our glorious revolution, and those who sit with the military and militias whose hands are stained with the blood of our martyrs must understand that we will not accept any compromise that gives the perpetrators a way out of the crimes they committed against our people, and we will not grant any political organization the right to negotiate that they legitimize for the military their coup against power and pave the way for their impunity.

No negotiation, no partnership, no compromise is a principle we have vowed to uphold and will not allow to be breached. We don’t make promises we don’t intend to keep, and we are not those who change their positions. These streets know who we are, we know them, and we know what they want.

Media Office

June10, 2022

Sudan: East Khartoum Neighborhoods Resistance Committees Coordination – Processions of The Ninth of June (09.06.2022)

May God’s mercy and forgiveness be upon the martyrs of the Sudanese revolution, speedy recovery for the injured, freedom for the detainees inside the dark cells and the safe return of the missing.

In continuation of our steadfast people’s struggles against the coup council and its militias, which do nothing but killing and shedding the blood of the Sudanese people in cold blood, the peaceful processions of the ninth of June took place in various areas of Khartoum State and other neighborhoods in the rest of the states of our beloved homeland. These processions were subjected to the most severe types of excessive repression with live bullets, tear gas and stun grenades directed directly at the bodies of the peaceful revolutionaries.

Our proud people:

In spite of the murderers’ claim that the state of emergency had been lifted, their forces perpetrated these heinous crimes, which resulted in the injury of more than eight peaceful revolutionaries by live ammunition in the city of Khartoum alone. In addition, one of the revolutionaries in the city of Madani sustained a direct hit from a live bullet to the chest, as well as other injuries with conditions ranging from stable to unstable.

Our free people:

We, the East Khartoum Neighborhoods Resistance Committees Coordination, affirm that these violations will not deter us or stop our peaceful struggles; rather, they will strengthen our resolve to bring down and hold accountable these militias that feed on the blood of our comrades in the streets of the revolution.

East Khartoum Neighborhoods Resistance Committees Coordination

June 9, 2022

Sudan: South Khartoum & Al Kalakla Resistance Committees Coordination – Detainees of June 9 March (09.06.2022)

Honorable Revolutionaries:

Since the start of the coup, the brutal coup authority has used the dictionary definition of destructive totalitarian regimes, employing murder and bloody repression and throwing civilians from symbols of the revolutionary forces and field leaders from the resistance committees into the depths of prisons and detention centers, in a pitiful attempt to curtail the movement of the rebellious masses across the country. This totalitarian approach, however, backfired and afflicted the putschists, their political and social incubator, and the remnants of the former regime. The revolutionary consciousness that surrounded the masses of our people during their peaceful and victorious movement from the beginning of the glorious December revolution until today has produced thousands of leaders who are highly skilled in the organizing of peaceful resistance action and mastered of the art of subjugating dictatorial regimes; the streets are boiling like a cauldron under the feet of tyrants every day, despite the overcrowding of prisons and detention centers.

Our heroic steadfast people:

Freedom is a right, not a privilege. During today’s march, more than 25 young men and women of the resistance committees were arrested in front of the People’s Palace. We hold the coup authority fully responsible for the safety of detainees, and we reaffirm our principled rejection of all forms of harassments, arrests, and confiscation of freedoms.

May the whips of our usual peacefulness inflame the backs of tyrants and turn their fragile authority’s dreams of survival into a never-ending nightmare until its complete overthrow and the establishment of a full civil authority that carries the torch of the process of civil democratic transformation and the state of freedom, peace, and justice.

Media Office

June 9, 2022

Sudan: Sudanese Professionals Association (S.P.A) – Statement (09.06.2022)


History repeats itself, and here are the settlement plans being hatched again, and the forces that benefit from the survival of the two coups to power in Sudan are seeking to form a lame partnership once again, and in light of these lines, the size of the international and regional scheme is revealed to our glorified people to block the path to the revolution. And that is through the road led by the tripartite mechanism, the masks have fallen and the whisper has become loud, and here we are watching chapters of negotiation that take different directions to impose a new reality whose first goal is to block the path of the revolution and prevent it from reaching its goals and objectives.

Our noble people,

Since the coup of the twenty-fifth of October, our street has not calmed down with its escalating revolutionary movement, and the revolutionaries and revolutionaries have adhered to their principle and their vents and the stage represented in the three nos, no negotiation for an illegal partnership with courage and daring, and this glorious and continuous revolutionary escalation of rejection confused the calculations of the mechanism advocates of compromise and putschists, there is no place for the military in indirect or direct negotiations, and they must be permanently removed from the scene, which is guaranteed by the charters of the forces of the live revolution and its political declarations.

List of defendants who should be tried and not negotiated.

Our steadfast people,

In the Sudanese Professionals Association, we affirm our position rejecting negotiations, whether direct or indirect, and we were informed of this by advocates of international and regional negotiations through the Tripartite Committee, and we will continue in the continuous escalation with our people shoulder to shoulder until the overthrow of the coup authority, and this is the way to establish a state of citizenship as a basis for rights and duties, and to achieve justice and democratic transformation.

June 9, 2022 AD

Sudan: Forces of Freedom and Change – Executive Office – Statement (10.06.2022)

An important statement about (what happened in the meeting called by the United States of America and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) at the invitation of the Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Mrs. (Molly V) and the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Khartoum (Ali bin Hassan Jaafar) and at the residence of the Saudi ambassador in the suburb of Kafoury, on the evening of Thursday, June 9, 2022, a meeting was held between the delegations of Freedom and Change and the leaders of the military coup authority.

This meeting came after the leadership of Freedom and Change refused to participate in the Rotana meeting, which sought to legitimize the coup and build a controlled incubator on the basis of dividing power away from the issues of the revolution and civil democratic transition.

Explain why we went to the meeting?

The forces of freedom and change adopt three means to defeat the coup:

The mass popular revolution and International and regional solidarity and the political solution that leads to the handover of power to civilians, in this context, it differentiates between a false political solution, similar to what happened at the Rotana Hotel, and a real political solution. Which ends the coup and establishes a full democratic civil authority that achieves the goals of the revolution.

We seek to continue to support two of the most important regional and international actors on the side of the Sudanese people, the democratic forces and the revolutionary forces, and to isolate the coup forces if they want to move forward in subjugating the masses and rejecting the political process.

– Ending the course of the dialogue (Rotana Hotel), which legitimizes the coup and its authority against the wishes of the Sudanese people who reject it and resist its overthrow. It is a dialogue that is hostile to the people and their just causes and the realization of their aspirations to complete the change and the tasks of the glorious December revolution.

We explain what happened in the meeting and what took place in it:

The forces of freedom and change proposed the necessity of ending the coup and handing over power to the people, through a clear and conclusive road map and within the framework of a political process whose parties are the forces of revolution and change on the one hand, and those who carried out the coup on the other hand, in this, the forces of freedom and change do not claim a monopoly on the representation of the forces of the revolution. Rather, we call on all the forces of the revolution to develop a common vision and mobilize our people and the regional and international communities to support this vision and the right of our people to a full democratic civil system.

The Forces of Freedom and Change will not participate in the dialogue process (Rotana Hotel) or any false political process that seeks to legitimize the coup.

The entitlements of creating a democratic climate have not been completed, and without them, no political process will succeed, and it must be implemented immediately.

The political process must take place through stages, the first of which is the end of the coup and the new constitutional establishment that is based on full civil authority and deals with the peace and its completion, distancing the military institution from politics without its participation in the civil authority, security and military reform and building a single, professional and national army.

We explain what happens after the meeting:

– Freedom and Change will deliver a clear vision about ending the coup and handing over power to the people for the tripartite mechanism and the regional and international communities after consulting with all its allies and friends from the forces of resistance and revolution.

– Freedom and Change will hold a meeting with the tripartite mechanism to clarify what happened in the meeting and its rejection of any false political process, and the need to respect the foundations of the political process leading to achieving the goals of the revolution.

Finally, the political process is a product of what we do and do on the ground, and it is not a substitute for the main mechanism that we adopt, which is the daily work of the popular peaceful resistance and its civil mechanisms of processions, strikes and sit-ins, which are the weapon of the revolution’s forces that reject the coup and believe in democratic and civil transformation.

From political parties, union and professional bodies, and resistance committees, which we will continue our effort to escalate in all forms until all of our people’s demands for freedom, peace, justice and the establishment of full civil authority are achieved.

Forces of Freedom and Change

Executive Office

June 10, 2022 AD

Sudan: Forces of Freedom and Change – Executive Office – Press Statement (09.06.2022)

At the invitation of the US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs/”Molly V” and the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Sudan, an informal meeting will be held between a delegation from the Freedom and Change and the military component and will address the following issues:

– Procedures to end the coup of October 25, 2021 AD and all its consequences, hand over power to civilians, and immediately implement the benefits of creating a democratic climate, all without exception.

– Stopping the procedures of the tripartite mechanism in bringing together forces supporting the coup and the elements of the former regime in the political process, and limiting its procedures between those who carried out the coup and those who resisted it from the revolutionary forces.

– Discussion about how the political process will be comprehensive after the forces of revolution, resistance and putschists have agreed on how and procedures to end the coup.

Sons and daughters of our people, this is our position, and we will present what happened in the meeting with all transparency to the forces of revolution and change that resist the coup and believe in democratic and civil transformation and complete the tasks of the glorious December revolution.

Forces of Freedom and Change – Executive Office

June 9, 2022 AD

Sudan: Al Dayum Al Shargiyah Resistance Committees Coordination – June 9 Procession (08.06.2022)

The rebellious people of Sudan:

Here we go out again tomorrow, Thursday, June 9, on the streets of Khartoum and the states of Sudan, demanding what our brothers and sisters, the martyrs, have demanded before us, in all regions of our Sudan, the right of the Sudanese citizen to live and to cherish their precious souls.

We continue to observe the coup authority’s contempt for the legitimate demands of the Sudanese people, as well as the continuation of brutality, murder, and oppression.

We and our comrades in the resistance committees in Khartoum and the states were and still are committed to the demands of the Sudanese people, who categorically reject the rule of the military and have clearly expressed their demand that there is no partnership, no negotiation with the military, and no legitimacy for the coup.

The real change is inevitably coming, and the Sudanese people will seize power from the hands of the putschists, in a completely peaceful fashion, just like we did with the corrupt former regime.

Aldayum Alshargiyah Resistance Committees Coordination calls on all the Sudanese people to go out tomorrow, Thursday, June 9, in a procession, towards the palace of the putschists, “Palace of fools”.

Bashdar Intersection

Time: 12:00 PM

Aldayum Alshargiyah Resistance Committees Coordination

Media Office

June 8, 2022

Sudan: Khartoum State Resistance Committees Coordination – The Tripartite Mechanism Invitation to Direct Negotiation with the Coup Authority (08.06.2022)

The overthrow of the coup, the victory of the revolution, and the achievement of its objectives are accomplished through the strength and unity of the revolutionary bodies resisting dictatorship, as we observe certain parties attempting to drive a wedge between our revolutionary forces, but we will not allow this to happen.

The masses of our resistant people: we, in the coordination of the resistance committees, have received an invitation from the tripartite mechanism in order to open the door for direct negotiations with the coup authorities through the negotiating table.

We said it and repeated it again and again, that there is no negotiation with the coup authorities, no negotiation over the civil state, and no partnership with the Military Council.

The top-down political solution pursued by the tripartite mechanism falls short of tackling the root causes of the conflict’s actual crisis and prevents addressing the underlying causes of the real historical problem facing our country.

We, the Khartoum State Resistance Committees, believe that the solution to the Sudanese crisis lies first in overthrowing the coup of 25 October and holding its perpetrators accountable.

That is why we refuse to sit with the leaders of the coup at one table, and we affirm that any result of this negotiation does not concern us, and we will continue to fill the streets with the steadfast masses of our people.

We also hope that the international community will stand with the Sudanese people’s ambitions and aspirations for democratic transition through the establishment of a civilian authority, rather than against it through a new partnership with the military coup authority. And that we reject the coup’s leaders who have committed horrific crimes that that are unforgivable and not subject to statute of limitations, while ensuring that we do not negotiate with the military establishment, we are determined to overthrow its leaders, thoroughly reform, and hold them accountable. We reject their participation in political life and are ready to pay the highest price possible for it.

Lastly, we call on the sons and daughters of our people to move forward and work to mobilize the capabilities and resources of our people in order to support and strengthen these choices and the continuous popular pressure to achieve them.

Signed by:

Khartoum City Resistance Committees Coordination

Sharg Al Nil Janub Coordination

Karari Resistance Committees Coordination

Dar Al Salam Umada Resistance Committees

El Hajj Yousif Resistance Committees Coordination

Umbada Neighborhoods Committees Coordination