Somalia: NISA dismantled in secret, an Internal Memo confirms!

The National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA), which has 2600 officers under their command. This leaked memo is from the 17th September 2018 under the subject of ‘Subject: Dismantling Agency under pretext of reform”. This is happening as the sway of power and support goes from the Western Donors into Qatar. As the NISA are dismantled and the officers are moved to the Somali National Army and Somali National Police Force.

What was special was that the NISA had counter assassins of 373 in plain clothes that is official moved to the Police Custodial Corps. With this in mind, this shows what the NISA was planned to do. Not only to monitor and gather intelligence, but directly take out Al-Shabaab. What was also revealing, is that Fahad Yasin are using the NISA Headquarters with Sudanese Intelligence Officials, that was there and secretly trained there. This as Fahad Yasin we’re meeting with Qatari Officials earlier in September. Before, the plan to dismantle the NISA.

The public should be aware, as this is trained officers whose some might fall off and has to find other positions, others are moved to other units and hopefully embedded there. Therefore, the officers if moved smoothly between the security organizations, the NISA officers will find a new home and new objectives. As they are working differently from what they did and the training of them. We better see what reports happens on the 200 officers from NISA that is on training in Djibouti or if they will be called back to become a part of the Police Force.

This is clearly, yet another move, that shows how Villa Somalia is blindly following the donors and not thinking of the future. As they are more occupied with securing foreign funding for the operations, than actually building institutions, as this one should have been priority, as if they wanted to gather intelligence and secure the citizens …. then Villa Somalia would have secured the NISA to support the Police and National Army, as they would be doing different security activity. Especially knowing that NISA was training and having people working as assassins.

We just have to see how this goes and what else Fahad Yasin are up too. Peace.

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